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WeDoCRM’s Summer Social 2023

Last week, the WeDoCRM clan descended on London town for our 2023 summer social. The weather wasn’t on our side, but that certainly didn’t stop us from making the most of our time together.

We kicked things off on Wednesday evening with our client and partner event at The Duke of Sussex in Waterloo. We sheltered from the torrential rain under the outdoor terrace’s canopy to catch up with familiar faces of clients past, present and future, including WorldFirst, Bulb Energy, and the lovely gang from Iterable.

As a remote-first business, events like this are such an important part of building the strong relationships we have with our partners. The team does an incredible job through Slack and Zoom, but there’s really nothing better than being able to chat to the people we work with every day in person.

The following day, we headed to BrewDog Waterloo for a caffeine and lunch-fueled team workshop. This was the perfect opportunity for us to get together to take stock of the year to date and go through the business strategy for 2023 and beyond. We also squeezed in some planning essentials for our upcoming appearance at the Technology for Marketing and eCommerce Expo event in September. More to come on that soon!

Our next stop was pure social and fun at the hilarious Hijingo Bingo. The lighting, the dancers, the randomness - it’s a totally bonkers experience! It’s safe to say we were utterly useless at bingo, but enjoyed every second and were gutted when our 90-minute was up. Massive kudos to Kirsty and Cara for booking the event!

Our final stop was over the road at the Queen of Hoxton for drinks and nibbles. We fared far better with the weather here and happily hung out at their rooftop bar the whole night chatting, drinking, and spending far too much money at the photobooth.

Huge thanks to Emilie and Matt for their generosity hosting week’s events. Can’t wait until WeDoChristmas!

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