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Hire a CRM Specialist

Why hire a consultant or freelancer, when you can onboard a WeDoCRM Specialist with the additional firepower of a global CRM agency behind them. Starting from only £450/per day.

The process in 4 simple steps.

Choose a CRM Specialist that best suites your requirements and needs.

Select either an hourly rate or day rate and checkout to secure your session.

A payment receipt will be emailed to you along with a confirmation email.

Your CRM Specialist will reach out directly to you to ensure everything is ready.

It really is as simple as that.

Some of the talented partners we work with...

Looking for CRM support?

Drop us an email, phone call or use our simple contact form and let's discuss how WeDoCRM can support you get the most out of CRM.

Call us on

0203 319 5273

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